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Home > Get Involved > Competitive Exhibits

Competitive Exhibits

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Have a talent you want to show off? To learn more about how to enter, download the guidelines below in the category of interest.

*All competitive exhibits are FREE to enter! Each year the Red River Valley Fair offers the chance to show off your creativity in a variety of competitive exhibits from baking, beer, photography, art and more! You can win the bragging rights and cash prizes by entering your masterpiece in one of our many competitive departments. Fair entry information subject to change. Competitive Exhibits will be displayed in Butler Arena.

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Have the best jelly or jam recipe? Great at baking homemade muffins? Here’s your chance to shine! Enter your baked or canned goods to be judged for a chance to win a prize!

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Do you want to showcase your artwork? Enter the arts and crafts exhibits to show off your talent!

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Show your best needlework at the Fair by entering the needlework competitive exhibits. Enter your needlework to be judged for a chance to win a prize!

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Show your artistic side by entering your best work to be judged at the Fair with a chance to win a prize!

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Have you captured the perfect moment with the perfect photo? Here is your chance to showcase your work! Enter your photographs to be judged for a chance to win a prize!

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